Privacy Policy

Last Updated: April 25, 2024

At Authentive, safeguarding your privacy and security is of utmost importance. This End User Privacy Policy (“Policy”) aims to provide clarity and transparency regarding how we, at Authentive Inc. (“Authentive,” “we,” “our,” or “us”), collect, use, and share your data when you engage with Authentive products or services. This encompasses your interactions with Authentive Portal and the sharing of your data with the applications (“apps”) facilitated by our business customers, referred to as “developers” herein.

This Policy is designed to empower you, the end user, to comprehend the handling of your data by Authentive. It is imperative that you read this Policy carefully as it outlines essential information about your privacy rights and choices.

About this Policy

Our objective with this Policy is to furnish you with a straightforward explanation of the data collection, usage, and sharing practices employed by Authentive. We are committed to transparency and aim to offer a concise depiction of how we handle your data.

Please note that this Policy does not encompass the data practices of the developers of the apps you utilize. We advise you to review the privacy policies or terms of service of those apps for insights into their respective practices. Additionally, this Policy does not cover data collection through our websites or interactions with Authentive outside the scope of our products or services, such as direct email correspondence. For such information, please refer to our Cookie Policy.

It is important to highlight that Authentive’s services are not intended for individuals under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect data pertaining to children.

Our Data Practices

Authentive is committed to granting end users significant control over their data. This section delineates Authentive’s data practices concerning the processing of data pertaining to you.

Data We Collect

The data collected, used, and shared by Authentive is contingent upon the specific products and services you utilize. Depending on the Authentive products or services engaged with, we may collect the following:

Data you provide to us.

When utilizing Authentive products or services, such as sharing data from your accounts with an app, we collect necessary data including identifiers like name, email address, date of birth, and phone number.

Data we collect from business and institutions about and from your accounts.

Depending on the Authentive products or services used and how information is made available, we may collect the following data:

Data we receive from your devices. When you interact with our services using a device such as a smartphone, tablet, or computer, we may collect data about that device, including but not limited to internet protocol (IP) address, timezone setting, hardware model, operating system, browser data, and network data.

Data we receive about you from the developers of apps powered by Authentive. When needed for Authentive to provide a service (like verifying your identity, protecting against fraud or risk, or enabling a bank transfer), the developers of the apps you use may provide us with identifiers and commercial information about you, like your name, Social Security number, email address, phone number, or information about your financial accounts and transactions.

Information we derive from the data we collect. Additional information may be inferred from the data we collect, such as geo-location, annual income, or account type, to enhance services or personalize user experiences.

How We Use Your Data

We use your data for the following business and commercial purposes:

We gather, utilize, and share data that has been aggregated or anonymized in a manner that does not personally identify you, for any purpose permitted under applicable laws. This includes utilizing aggregated or anonymized data for creating new services, facilitating research, and for analytical purposes aimed at evaluating the speed, accuracy, and/or security of our services.

How We Share Your Data

We share your data for the following reasons:

When linking your financial accounts through Authentive, we may utilize Google’s reCAPTCHA service to detect fraud and abuse. Google reCAPTCHA analyzes user behavior using various metrics, processing personal data such as IP addresses and usage patterns. This data is transmitted and stored by Google on servers in the United States and other countries. Google's adherence to the EU-US Data Privacy Framework can be confirmed here. When reCAPTCHA is utilized, Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use apply to the data collected.

Your personal financial data is only shared with third parties to facilitate the services you requested, with your consent, or to mitigate fraud.

We may collect and share cookie data with third parties when you visit our website, or third parties may collect this cookie data from our sites. For further details, please refer to our Cookie Policy Statement.

Our Retention and Deletion Practices

We retain your data only for as long as necessary. To determine the necessity of data retention, we assess the purpose for which your data was collected and used, as well as any legal obligations regarding data retention. We conduct periodic reviews of your data to ensure that it is still required to fulfill its original purpose or any other legal requirements. Our systems at Authentive are designed to automatically delete your personal data, with certain exceptions where retention may be necessary. These exceptions include:

Your data will be processed only as required by law or as outlined in this Policy.

Protection of Data

At Authentive, we prioritize the confidentiality and integrity of your data through comprehensive security policies and practices. We enforce strict controls to restrict access to your data to personnel with legitimate business purposes, and we prohibit any unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of this data.

Your Data Protection Rights

Irrespective of your location, you have the following rights concerning your personal data, subject to certain limitations and exceptions as provided by law. We ensure that you will not face discrimination for exercising these rights:

To exercise any of these rights, you can submit a request using our contact form. Additional information may be required to confirm your identity before we can respond to your request. If we receive a request from an authorized agent, evidence of valid written authority, such as a power of attorney, may be requested to submit requests on your behalf. We aim to consider and respond to requests within a reasonable time frame, as required by applicable law. However, certain data may be exempt from such requests, such as data necessary for our legal obligations or to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims.

Changes To This Policy

We periodically update or modify this Policy. In the event of any updates or changes, we will post the revised policy on the Authentive website at privacy-policy and update the date at the top of this Policy. If you are an active user of Authentive Portal, we will also send you an email notifying you of the update.

Contacting Authentive

For any inquiries or complaints about this Policy or our privacy practices in general, you can contact us.